What to know before your first camping trip with your dog

First camping trip with your furry friend? We've got you covered. Here's how to have a successful trip with your fave companion!

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Jun 24, 2024

Ready to embark on your first camping adventure with your furry best friend? Get ready for a paw-some experience filled with fresh air, new smells, and endless fun! While you might not get much sleep during your first camping trip together (it's a learning curve!), here's a guide to ensure both you and your dog have a safe and enjoyable experience.

1. Be honest and make sure that this is your dog’s thing

Not all dogs are cut out for camping adventures! While you might love the great outdoors, remember that your dog might have different preferences. Domesticated dogs thrive on routine and comfort, and the wilderness can be a bit overwhelming for them. If your dog has health concerns, struggles with physical activity, or tends to be anxious, camping might not be the ideal activity.

2. Pick your campsite wisely

Choosing the right campsite is crucial for a successful camping trip with your dog. For your first outing, car camping is the ideal choice. It allows you to pack all essential supplies in your vehicle, providing easy access in case of emergencies. Remember, not all campsites welcome dogs, so it's essential to check the pet policies of your chosen destination before booking. And unless you frequently hike with your dog, it's best to avoid a long trek before setting up camp.

3. Make sure they’re trained (and maybe get a refresh course)

Before embarking on your camping trip, it's a good idea to brush up on your dog's training. Make sure your dog responds reliably to commands like "come" and "leave it." These commands are crucial for ensuring their safety, especially if they encounter wildlife or tempting treats on the ground. Also, if your campsite allows dogs, ensure your dog is comfortable around other canines.

4. Be prepared and make sure to pack all your essentials

While packing for a camping trip with your dog, it can be tempting to bring everything, but you don't need to bring the whole kitchen sink! Here's a checklist of essentials:

  • Food and Water: Pack collapsible bowls and plenty of fresh water and dry dog food. Aim for minimal leftovers to avoid attracting wildlife.
  • Leash: A strong, reflective leash with tags is essential for your dog to wear at all times when outside the tent.
  • Sleeping: If your dog enjoys snuggling in your sleeping bag, go for it! Otherwise, pack a light sleeping bag and blanket to keep them warm.
  • First Aid: Pack a first aid kit for both you and your dog.
  • Vet Information: Write down the phone number of a 24-hour veterinary clinic in case of emergencies.

5. Be considerate

Camping with your dog is an enjoyable experience, but it's important to do it responsibly. Here are a few tips for a harmonious trip:

  • Clean Up After Your Dog: Always pick up your dog's waste, regardless of whether you're at a designated campground or not.
  • Leash Rules: Keep your dog on a leash at all times when outside the tent. Avoid letting them roam freely into other campsites.
  • Barking: A dog's incessant barking can be annoying to other campers and potentially attract dangerous wildlife.
  • Relax and Enjoy: Remember, camping is supposed to be fun! Expect your dog to be a little confused and maybe less well-behaved than usual. It takes time for them to adjust to the new environment. Enjoy the experience, and don't forget the toasted marshmallows!