Quick Guide to Kitten and Cat Vaccinations

Protect your kitten and cat against common diseases by following this recommended vaccination and veterinary appointment schedule.

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May 25, 2023

Vaccinations are a foundational and critically important part of your pet's preventive care plan. Generally, a vaccine protocol consists of a series of immunizations given to your pet as a kitten, boosters at one year and then periodically throughout their lifetime.

Vaccinations are a foundational and critically important part of the preventive care plan. Generally, a vaccine protocol consists of a series of immunizations given to your pet as a kitten, boosters at one year and then periodically throughout their lifetime.

The first days after birth, kittens receive protective antibodies against certain diseases from their mother’s milk. The protective antibody protection gradually wanes and the kittens are left susceptible to infectious diseases between 6 to 16 weeks of age. This is why puppies and kittens are given a series of vaccines to provide immunity as they lose their mother’s protective antibodies.

At Parker & Ace, we develop a personalized vaccine plan for your pet based on geographic location, risk, lifestyle and pre-existing medical conditions. The vaccinations we recommend will prevent diseases that are a serious threat to the health, longevity and quality of life of your pet.

By following the recommended vaccination and veterinary appointment schedule, you can help protect your kitten against common diseases and provide them with the best possible start in life.

What to expect your first year—and beyond

6-9 weeks

The First Vet Visit!

Description: This is your first new kitten exam, in which we will do a fecal test for gastrointestinal parasites, deworming, first set of vaccines (panleukopenia combo), microchip placement, and nail trim. FeLV/FIV infectious disease screening.

Can also include genetic screening, and 1 month dose of flea and tick prevention

9-12 weeks

Progress Exam & Vaccinations

Description: At this progress exam, your kitten will get their second deworming, second set of vaccines (panleukopenia combo add FeLV for at risk kitties), and nail trim.

+ 1 month dose of flea and tick prevention for growing kittens.

12-16 weeks

Booster Vaccinations

Description: At this kitten progress exam, they will get their third set of vaccines (panleukopenia combo, +/- FeLV, add rabies), and nail trim + 1 month dose of flea and tick prevention for growing kittens.

16-30 weeks

Spay / Neuter

1 year

Annual Wellness Exam

Happy birthday baby! This will be your cat's first wellness exam. We provide a thorough examination and develop a vaccine plan based on the lifestyle of your cat. Wellness testing will help us understand what’s normal for your cat as well as screen for early detection of common conditions. We will prescribe flea and tick prevention if needed.


Wellness Exam

Wellness exam and vaccines based on the lifestyle of your cat. We offer vaccine titers to ensure that your cat still has protective immunity and that our vaccine schedule is appropriate.  Wellness testing will help us understand what’s normal for your cat as well as screen for early detection of common conditions. We will prescribe flea and tick prevention if needed.


Senior Wellness Exam

Parker & Ace provides a senior wellness exam for our older cats and vaccines based on their changing lifestyle. We offer vaccine titers to ensure that your cat still has protective immunity and that our vaccine schedule is appropriate.  Senior screening may include diagnostic imaging and electrocardiograms. Wellness testing will help us understand what’s normal for your cat as well as screen for early detection of common conditions. Subtle changes to your cat’s test results can signal the presence of disease even before any outward signs of illness can be seen. We will prescribe flea and tick prevention if needed.

Keep in mind: We don’t automatically vaccinate all pets for everything, every year, and the below chart should be directional. Talk to your Parker & Ace veterinarian for a more individualized plan.