4 Ways to Ease Your Dog's Spring Allergies

Regular baths, balanced diet, eye and ear cleansing, and vet consultations alleviate spring allergies in dogs.

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Apr 25, 2024

Dogs can also suffer from spring allergies, exhibiting symptoms such as itchy eyes, runny nose, and excessive sneezing. To alleviate their discomfort, frequent baths, a quality diet, eye and ear cleansing, and consultations with a veterinarian are recommended.

Springtime: blooming flowers, warmer weather, and... allergies. If you're a seasonal allergy sufferer, you know the struggle is real. Itchy eyes, a nose that just won't quit, and endless sneezing can make spring feel more like a curse than a blessing.

Guess what? Your dog might be feeling the same way. Yep, pups can get spring allergies too! So, if you've noticed your furry friend battling the tell tale signs of seasonal allergies, it's time to take action.

Beyond showering them with love and ear scratches, there are ways to directly ease your dog's allergy woes. Let's explore four effective methods to help your pup find relief and enjoy the season alongside you.

1. Bathe More Frequently

Springtime fun can mean allergy woes for your furry friend. Pollen, dust, and dander – those pesky allergy triggers – love to cling to your dog's fur for hours (or even days) after outdoor adventure. They stick around, causing discomfort long after playtime is over.

Here's a simple solution: bath time!  More frequent baths can be a game-changer for dogs with spring allergies. By washing away those clinging particles, you'll help reduce their allergy symptoms and keep them feeling their best.

Bath Time Tips:
  • Focus on the paws and belly: These areas tend to gather the most pollen and dust.
  • Gentle is key: Choose a shampoo specifically designed for sensitive skin to avoid irritation or dryness.
  • Watch for skin issues: If your dog's skin seems dry, flaky, or irritated after baths, consult your veterinarian.
  • Timing is everything: Baths are especially helpful after your dog has been playing in areas with blooming plants.

2. Upgrade Their Diet

Spring allergies in dogs stem from their immune system's reaction to allergens. One of the best ways to support your furry friend during this season is by focusing on their diet.  Here's how:

  • Quality Food: Opt for dog food that's free from fillers and low in grains. These options can help manage inflammation and keep your pup feeling their best.
  • Power of People Food: Incorporating healthy human foods into your dog's diet can further enhance their gut health and provide essential nutrients.  Think fresh fruits and vegetables suitable for canine consumption.
  • Balanced Nutrition: The goal is to create a balanced nutritional profile that supports a strong immune system, helping your dog better cope with allergy season.

3. Eye and Ear Cleansing

Your dog's eyes and ears are sensitive areas that can be easily affected and are most prone to allergic reaction. Luckily, there are simple ways to keep them clean and comfortable:

Eye Care:
  • Flush Away Irritants: Use a gentle over-the-counter saline solution, like eye drops, to flush your dog's eyes twice a day. This helps remove pollen, dust, and other allergens that can cause itching and swelling.
  • Look Out for Signs of Irritation: Pay attention to redness, excessive tearing, or pawing at the eyes, as these could indicate an allergic reaction or infection.

Ear Care:
  • Regular Cleaning is Key: Ear canals can trap allergens and microbes, leading to discomfort and infections. Use a veterinarian-recommended ear cleaning solution to regularly flush out your dog's ears.
  • Prevent Buildup: Regular cleaning helps prevent the buildup of wax and debris, keeping ears healthy and reducing the risk of infections.
  • Watch for Warning Signs: Head shaking, scratching at the ears, or a foul odor can indicate ear problems that require veterinary attention.

4. Work with Your Vet

At the end of the day, your veterinarian (besides yourself of course), knows your dog best. They can help distinguish between allergies and other conditions that may cause similar discomfort in your furry friend. 

Several diagnostic tools are available for allergy testing, ranging from skin scrapings to blood tests, to pinpoint the culprit behind your dog's allergies. Your vet will recommend the most suitable tests based on your dog's specific symptoms.

Don't hesitate to inquire about over-the-counter medications that could provide relief during allergy flare-ups. Additionally, ask your vet about potential supplements or other simple solutions to manage your dog's allergies effectively.

Allergies don’t have to be a mood killer. Your dog doesn’t have to simply suffer through them, and there’s a lot you can do to try and ease the way. Whether it’s pollen, ragweed, mites, or anything else that’s bothering your furry friend, talk to your vet if you notice things are out of whack. 

Parker & Ace vets can help your dog deal with seasonal allergies. Reach out today to schedule an appointment



